PAST EVENT Accelerator Studio

Enhancing Reflective Practices with AI

This Accelerator Studio workshop explored how AI can augment the way we grow and learn.

Event details

Tuesday, November 28th 2023
12:00 PM—01:00 PM
Available toFaculty / Staff, Students
This event has passed.
Reflection is a key component of experiential learning, and developing reflective skills is an important learning outcome in itself. But what role might new technologies play in enhancing this process? Is it possible for AI to augment the way we grow and learn?

In this workshop with the Stanford’s Leticia Britos Cavagnaro, we explored how to use a chatbot, Riff, to prompt reflective questions and analyzed the potential benefits and limitations of AI for reflection. We also discussed practical ways to integrate reflective AI tools into learning activities as an additional layer alongside human-led practices.


  • Using AI tools in the reflective process can provide prompts to encourage deeper reflection on experiences through customized questioning.
  • Reflection helps make thinking visible, and reflection and iteration are instrumental for continuous improvement.
  • Strategies like gathering insights into values and expectations, designing interactive elements tailored to learners, and framing concepts around points of relevance can increase engagement.

Learn more about the Accelerator Studio.

Event recording