Our work: Adult and Workforce Learning

An Applied Science to Support Working Learners

Supported with funds from the National Science Foundation, researchers and educators assembled to develope a framework for improving educational and mobility opportunities for the millions of employed Americans who do not have college degrees.

Workforce Forum


Despite widespread recognition of the need for measurably effective and accessible learning opportunities for adult Americans, the nation is without shared scientific or policy goals for serving this vast population and lacks protocols for the cross-sector collaborative activity such service requires.

Our project seeks to envision how to fill this gap and in July of 2021, a four part virtual series brought together 180 education and learning experts who have been charged with developing this much needed comprehensive research agenda. Our report synthesizes the work of that assembly in nine recommendations for government agencies, academic institutions, philanthropies and businesses.

Faculty leads

Headshot of Mitchell Stevens

Mitchell Stevens



On January 19th a forum was held to hear and discuss highlights of our report that was submitted to the National Science Foundation. Our conversation was lead by Paul Fain of The Job, in conversation with:

*Luther Jackson, Program Manager, Silicon Valley NOVAworks job center *Katherine Newman, System Chancellor for Academic Programs, University of Massachusetts *Sarah Turner, University Professor of Economics and Education, University of Virginia

Read The NSF Report HERE See The Stanford News Story HERE