RAPID is an early childhood and family well-being survey that launched in April 2020, initially in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our objectives are to collect essential information from households and families with young children and to provide actionable data to key stakeholders to inform immediate and long-term program and policy decisions. In March 2021, we launched a second survey of the child care workforce nationally, to create a fuller picture of the needs, well-being and health promoting behaviors of the important adults in young children’s lives.
The RAPID survey utilizes an innovative approach that allows us to revise and add to the survey in an ongoing manner. As circumstances during the pandemic and beyond have continued to evolve for families, child care providers and communities, we have adapted the survey to collect data on those changing circumstances in near real-time. Our core questions focus on emotional well-being, experiences of material hardship, access to and use of child care, and use of preventive health care. We add content to these core items through topical modules. We receive input and guidance on new content from our National Advisory Council, Policy Working Group, collaborators, and participants themselves.
Faculty leads

Philip Fisher
Faculty Director, Stanford Center on Early Childhood