Our work: Early Childhood Learning and Development

The FIND Program

Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) is a highly effective video coaching program that facilitates responsive, supportive caregiving to significantly improve developmental outcomes for children birth to five years old.

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Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) is a highly effective video coaching program that facilitates responsive, supportive caregiving to significantly improve developmental outcomes for children birth to five years old. FIND has been implemented around the world, in a variety of contexts and modalities, including early childhood classrooms with the Children’s Home Society of Washington in Washington State, homeless shelters in New York City, NY, pediatric clinics with PCC Community Wellness Center in Austin, TX, and home visiting in Victoria, Australia, with Anglicare Victoria.

Faculty leads

Headshot of Philip Fisher

Philip Fisher

Faculty Director, Stanford Center on Early Childhood