PAST EVENT Lecture/Presentation/Talk

A Seat at the Table: Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence Series

The Equity in Learning initiative and the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) host a small group dinner for teacher candidates with practitioner-in-residence Robert Hoover.

Event details

Tuesday, February 11th 2025
06:00 PM—08:00 PM
This event is invitation only.
This event has passed.

The Stanford Accelerator for Learning’s Equity in Learning initiative and the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) are hosting a small group dinner for teacher candidates with practitioner-in-residence Robert Hoover.

The Equity in Learning initiative’s practitioner-in-residence is a community scholar engaged in equity work in schools and communities who will share lessons learned with Stanford students, staff, faculty, and the greater community. Mr. Hoover, the inaugural scholar to hold the position, was a part of the Nairobi Schools Movement in East Palo Alto in the 1960s and 1970s and the incorporation of East Palo Alto.

This event is closed to members of the STEP program cohort.

This event is invitation only.